Question about sending events to Discord.


New Member
I would like to send events that occur in server to Discord. Such as a zombie kill, or player leveling.
Any tips on if or how to do this?


JFF Administrator
Staff member
As an example, you would create a new event, of type "Player Killed Zombie"
In the script section you'd do something like: .DSAY:#discordchannelname:{player_killer_name} just killed a zombie!


New Member
Went with this:
.DSAY:{player_killer_name} just killed a {zombie_killed_name}!!
Worked great!
A bit spammy of course. :blush:1256
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New Member
Can I type something in Discord and get a reply from the 7D server?
Like game settings, current time, number of players?


JFF Administrator
Staff member
Yes you can, you can use the Discord Public Chat event and respond to it the same basic way as the above event. There should be some examples in there as well for things like /time I think, etc. =)


New Member
Might need some help with this.

(I changed the HERE's with placeholders)

Do I then add a .DSAY? Day Time?
Not sure how to output this to discord.
And what are you meaning by "thumbnail"? Is that a special element?
I'm not grasping some of these elements.
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New Member
Oh I found the example for the DEMBED RAT command, and others.
Working on it.
Still not seeing how to output constants like THUMBNAIL yet.
Is it .DSAY: {{THUMBNAIL}} or something else?
I've tried a few things and do not see any example.
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JFF Administrator
Staff member
Oh I found the example for the DEMBED RAT command, and others.
Working on it.
Still not seeing how to output constants like THUMBNAIL yet.
Is it .DSAY: {{THUMBNAIL}} or something else?
I've tried a few things and do not see any example.
Thumbnail is a URL to an image. So it'll display in the embed. If you do not want/have one, just remove the thumbnail section. =)


New Member
I'm just not understanding how to echo the content back to Discord.

Do I use DSAY or something else?

And how do I echo back those defined parameters like THUMBNAIL, DESC, TITLE, etc.

for example .DSAY: THUMBNAIL. simply sends "THUMBNAIL" to Discord.


JFF Administrator
Staff member
I'm just not understanding how to echo the content back to Discord.

Do I use DSAY or something else?

And how do I echo back those defined parameters like THUMBNAIL, DESC, TITLE, etc.

for example .DSAY: THUMBNAIL. simply sends "THUMBNAIL" to Discord.
The format is: .DSAY:#CHANNELNAME:This text will be in Discord channel #CHANNELNAME

The .DSAY command is "generic" is that its just text, that's it. None of the thumbnails, etc.. work with the DSAY command (they can't, its not how Discord works).

If you want to show a title, description, thumbnail, etc... that's what the DEMBED command is for.


New Member
Ok, sounds like I'm not understanding DEMBED then.
Since I'm not seeing anything in my channel that I set in DEMBED.

Just to clarify - using DEMBED should push those parameters into the Discord channel, if I use it correctly?

So DEMBED allows me to modify the visuality of the Discord chat window? Changing the color, title, desc, thumbnail.
Those are all elements of a discord chat cell?

My tests do not seem to be doing anything to the Discord Chat Channel so far.

I copied your DEMBED example exactly, only changing the channel name, and get nothing except the BOT response in the channel.

".DEMBED:CHANNEL=7-days-2-die|COLOR=GREEN|DESC=Testing a Description|TITLE=My Title|URL=|TIMESTAMP=|FOOTER=My Footer|FIELDS=Name, Status|VALUES=Trekkan, Feeling Good|THUMBNAIL=|IMAGE="

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New Member
Ok so now I have it tamed.


I have never seen one of those Embeds before.
Always have had images off.

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JFF Administrator
Staff member
Awesome, glad you found it (and even more happy you posted the solution!) =)

I wasn't aware that had to be on either (I think its on by default though).